Discovering an alien base on the Moon

There is a conspiracy theory that has long been mentioned by many people: life really exists on the Moon and government agencies are hiding it, according to ibtimes.
The latest discovery by a UFO researcher of a shadow on a photo of Google Moon – the lunar image search engine software – once again raises questions about whether or not there is a base. of aliens on the Moon.

The video by Scott Waring, a UFO blogger, shows a shadow that Waring calls “an amazing structure” – an alien “moon base”, as well as detailed coordinates Details for those who want to know: 19°43’02.81″ North and 20°30’52.97″ East.

Waring said: “The darkness around the edges of this structure suggests that there is a void below, underground; at the same time, running along the edges of the structure is a walled area, more shows there’s a gap there.”

Sốc: Phát hiện thành phố của người ngoài hành tinh trên Mặt Trăng | Báo Dân trí

Earlier this year, another video also showed another object on the Moon, leading many to speculate that aliens once lived here. This video shows a wedge-shaped object emitting V-shaped light from inside a small crater on the Moon at coordinates 2°34′ East and 22°42′ North.

These images can be seen using Google Earth, in a small angle on a high-resolution image belonging to JAXA, Japan’s space agency. But when looking more broadly, this picture shows dozens of such “objects”.

Experts at Arizona State University in charge of controlling a camera on a lunar spy spacecraft said the findings were most likely just evidence generated from digital imaging software.

Phát hiện căn cứ khổng lồ của người ngoài hành tinh trên Mặt trăng?

Google has a lot of images with different resolutions. High-resolution photos often have filters attached to them to make them look sharper. Where light and shadow meet in the image can be distorted by the filter, creating shapes in objects or light that make the viewer think that aliens may exist on the Moon. Moon.

However, this does not diminish the fascination of images or theories about secret alien bases on the Moon. In fact, the video of the V-shaped object mentioned above has reached more than 1.4 million views and was mentioned in the national news.


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