“Replica” of an alien world discovered beneath a 1,100 year old ancient town in Germany

An ancient town in Germany was accidentally built by humans on land with alien properties similar to the giant “life pit” Jezero on Mars.

Sốc: bản sao thế giới ngoài hành tinh bên dưới thị trấn cổ 1.100 tuổi - Ảnh 1.

An international research team analyzed soil and sediment samples from Nördlingen Ries in Bavaria (Germany), an impact crater more than 24 km wide, dating back 15 million years that 1,100 years ago, humans entered. Love built the town of Nördlingen above.

The results showed that for thousands of years, many generations of residents of this strange circular town have lived on a piece of land with identical geological and chemical properties to the giant Jezero crater of Mars without even realizing it! Jezero is the “hole of life” that NASA is targeting in missions to search for alien creatures.

It’s unclear where the meteorite that created this earthly “replica” world of Jezero came from, but ancient alien elements including layers of rocks and minerals in Nördlingen Ries have been better preserved almost anywhere else on earth.

Sốc: bản sao thế giới ngoài hành tinh bên dưới thị trấn cổ 1.100 tuổi - Ảnh 2.

In previous missions, cosmologists have only found Nördlingen Ries-like craters on Mars. Therefore, a replica world right on Earth will give them a golden opportunity to go back in time to find the missing pieces in the history of Martian life.

According to Professor Eva Stüeken from the School of Earth and Environmental Sciences at the University of St. Andrew (Scotland, UK), a member of the research team, they identified important nitrogen isotopes, which certainly also existed on a parallel world on Mars. These isotopes reflect the mysterious meteorite’s ancient alien world that once had highly alkaline lakes and a CO2-rich atmosphere.

Sốc: bản sao thế giới ngoài hành tinh bên dưới thị trấn cổ 1.100 tuổi - Ảnh 3.

And CO2 is what is needed for a world as far away from the sun as ancient Mars to be warm enough to support surface oceans and life. Unfortunately, according to many studies, the atmosphere of Mars has evaporated and the planet is now just a dry, dead world.

Therefore, having a “copy world” within reach is a great condition for scientists to soon decode the mystery of ancient life on Mars, as well as contribute to guiding conquest missions. red planet in the near future.

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